It’s been a
couple of weeks since a new C.O. was appointed to the circuit and I’m starting
to hear tidbits of his talks.
One brother
told me that in one of his talks he asked the question;
the GB decides that the door to door work should take a new turn, will you
follow the direction by Jehovah’s appointed Channel?”
He went on
to explain;
no surprise that JW.Org is having tremendous success. People are asking for Bible studies
by the thousands, and no door to door work is involved.
He went on
to say that the “WT Carts” (I don’t think they call them that) are proving more effective than door to door work.
So what can
Jdub expect in the future?
He said;
volunteering in the construction work is a better option,
And if you
are not able to volunteer in construction work, then---
You can help
by supporting monetarily to Jehovah’s Organization.
Couple of
questions came to my mind.
A. Are thousands of people really asking
for Bible studies?
B. Are The JW Carts more effective?
C. Is construction and sale of Real
Estate and Donations going to supersede the door to door work?